Creating Economic Security in Rural Zambia
Read Mrs. Doreen Mukobela's Story

Mrs. Doreen Mukobela is sitting on her harvest and thanking Partners In Action for making it possible to put food for her family on the table. PIA Project Coordinator Daniel Chilundika spoke to Mrs. Mukobela recently.
Mrs. Mukobela has a family of 10. She is really appreciating and thanking Partners In Action for giving her a soft loan of farming inputs. She says 2019 was one of her horrible years in her life history. It was a very bad year because of the drought which was experienced in southern province of Zambia. She thinks she is dreaming sitting on her 2020 farming produce. It is the sign that she will be able to survive during the year 2020.
Mrs Mukobela says she is very thankful to PIA and wishes the program to continue so that poverty levels can be alleviated. She says the project is one of the best as it is addressing nutrition as well. "I beg it to continue providing the services and may be expanded to include some of our neighbors who have seen what we have received, and our harvest and they are also interested to join."

In 2019 drought ravaged the maize crop in Zambia and a year of unbelievable poverty and hunger ensued. In 2020 PIA started a project that accepted 117 farmers into a program that is restoring hope to devastated families.
The Facts:
Due to Covid-19 there is no opportunity to bring in farm workers.
Families will struggle to harvest their maize crop.
It is estimated that 25%-30% of maize will go unharvested.

For $2,000 we can purchase four corn shelling machines. The shellers will be moved from one farm to another to automatically shuck the maize and capture the kernels.
Imagine shucking one hectare of maize (that's 2 1/2 acres) by hand. Please help by making a donation towards purchase of shelling equipment that will have a monumental impact to our farmers.